It can be really tempting to just do it your own especially when you want to save on cost. But when it comes to hiring an arborist, should you really cut corners or just get a professional. In fact, you can take care of your own garden and do it on your own. But there are certain tasks that you may have to rely on an arborist.
Tree pruning
Only do a job when you think you can handle the task. Pruning is a never-ending requirement for trees and you may have to do regular maintenance. If you are a keen gardener and know how to carefully remove dead branches or branches rubbing together, then you can try it on your own.
However, some cases may require getting a specialist especially if the branches are at the top of the tree and may require a ladder or a chainsaw. For big jobs, do not attempt to do it on your own since the task can be hazardous.
Tree removal
Tree removal should always be seen as a last resort. Always get the help of an arborist for such task. They know well if you really need to remove the tree or not.
During emergency
After a storm or other extreme weather conditions, you may need to call a professional arborist to see if the tree needs pruning or if you need it to be removed.
Tree care
If you want to have a great tree in your backyard but don’t know which one you should grow, call an arborist. They have the right knowledge and experience on how to take care of plants. Since they will be in your backyard, you can also ask questions from them so that when he leaves, you know how you can care for your trees.